Jef Seghers
Jef Seghers obtained the degree of Master of Laws at Ghent University with great distinction in 2023. During his studies, he chose to specialise in public law, taking subjects including spatial planning law, environmental law, international and European environmental law and biodiversity law, and constitutional law. He wrote his master's thesis on proving a causal link between greenhouse gas emissions, climate change and climate damage. It was nominated for the Future Trial Award of UGent.
In 2007, Jef obtained an additional Master in International Relations and Conflict Management at KULeuven with great distinction. In 2006, he obtained the degree of Industrial Engineer - Electronics & ICT at the Hogeschool Gent with great distinction.
Jef has been with LDR since February 2024, where he mainly supports the environmental team, with a focus on nature.
Before becoming a lawyer, Jef was active as co-founder and business coordinator at social and artistic centre de Koer in Ghent, as policy advisor on space at the Federal Science Policy, and at technology federation Agoria. He completed an internship at the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court in The Hague (Netherlands) in 2007.
SEGHERS, J., “Scientific evidence in Strasbourg’s environmental jurisprudence through the prism of Ilva Taranto”, DISSECT Blog 2023 (blog),
SEGHERS, J., “De Klimaatcrisis voor de Rechter: Doorbraken in Wetenschap en Rechtspraak”, Future Proef Award 2023 (webartikel),
The role of scientific evidence in climate litigation, gastles i.h.k.v. het vak 'International & European environmental law’ (prof. An Cliquet), UGent, 5 december 2024.
Studieopdracht ‘conceptbepaling en trajectontwikkeling voor implementatie 'Gezondheids- en Milieugebruiksruimte' in Vlaanderen' – opdracht van departement Zorg, afdeling preventief gezondheidsbeleid en departement Omgeving, in een consortium met Möbius, Witteveen+Bos en VITO, in uitvoering.
Juridisch advies m.b.t. rechten van de natuur i.h.k.v. het artistieke project ‘STILL HERE – an alliance of care for the SZenne River’, i.s.m. Natural Contract Lab en Hiros VZW, in uitvoering.
Expertenopdracht ‘Juridische analyse over de doorvertaling milderende maatregelen bij milieueffectrapportage’ – opdracht van departement Omgeving, afdeling GOP, in uitvoering.