Bram Van den Berghe
Bram Van den Berghe obtained a Master's degree in Criminological Sciences at Ghent University in 2015. He then obtained with distinction the degree of Master in Law at Ghent University, with an Erasmus exchange in Rennes (France).
During his Master's programme in Law, he chose, among other things, the courses spatial planning law, environmental law, environmental law, public procedural law, energy law and administrative law.
In 2018, he started working at the West Flemish bar at the law firms Prator and Phibalex, where he handled cases in public law in both offices, with a particular focus on cases in environmental law.
Bram has been working at LDR since September 2022, where he further focuses on environmental law.
VAN DEN BERGHE, B., ‘De ene stilzwijgende beslissing is de andere niet’, TOO, 2022/4, 297–299.
VANPRAET, J., PEETERS, Y. en VAN DEN BERGHE, B., ‘Het toepassingsgebied van de plan-MER-plicht: meer is niet altijd beter’, TOO, 2018/4, 463-471.