Maxim Senesael
Maxim Senesael obtained his Master of Laws degree with great distinction from the University of Ghent in June 2023. During his training, he opted for the courses environmental law, spatial planning law, environmental law, energy law and public procedural law.
His master's thesis dealt with the substitution power of the Council for Permit Disputes.
Maxim Senesael has been active at LDR since September 1, 2023, where he mainly provides support to the environmental team for partim spatial planning law.
SENESAEL, M., ‘Pop-upbars in agrarisch gebied: een juridische cocktail met een wrange nasmaak’, noot onder RvS 4 mei 2023, nr. 256.432, Peelman e.a., TROS, 2023/112, 278-286.
SENESAEL, M., ‘De mogelijkheden voor toeristische logies in bestaande gebouwen buiten woon- en recreatiegebied: een overzicht’, TROS, 2023/111, 198-207.